
Luminous Sponsorship

This Sponsorship is an open offer for all those, Organizations, Foundations, State Governments & Business Brands & Companies who are not part of our  proposed panel, they can become direct part through this Luminous Sponsorship Proposal. 

Available Event Opportunity:

Robo-Sonic Tech-Expo  A scheduled Event for Engineering students, For Every Year Istanbul/Turkey. 

Duckstairs Events Global
Duckstairs Events Global
perk of duckstairs
duckstairs perk
Duckstairs Events
Duckstairs events
Duckstairs Events

Welcome to Digital Transformation for Promotion of Business & Better Assimilation of Technology with the Civil World

Professional Support from an Expert

Professional Support from an Expert

Registration of Brands for Scheduled Events of  Optimum Gala Panel and Sponsore Panel Loop of Pool.

Business Design Services

Business Design Services

Our Business Promotion Design services, Content marketing  through Events and membership of  optimum Gala Brand Panel and Sponsor Panel Loop of Pool.

Marketing & Affiliate Services

Marketing & Affiliate Services

Content Marketing of Business through Events. And we Provide Membership and Services of Technology Affiliate Platform to our Sponsors Panel members.

Luminous Sponsorship

Luminous Sponsorship

We Provide Luminous Sponsor Service to those who are not part of Proposed Sponsor Panel. But they want to Promote their Business through Event, & Content Marketing. Because of Time management issues we can not send e-mails to all Companies, So, we create a Space for them through Luminous Sponsor service.

Proposed Sponsor Panel Sponsor Service

Proposed Sponsor Panel Sponsor Service

We Select a Panel of Technology Companies as Proposed panel of Sponsorship. We are Technology Promoters, Like, Digital Transformation, Blockchain, & artificial intelligence, So our Priority is Technology Companies. But we are Business Promoters So through Events as Content Marketer we adjust all.

Best Content and Article Writing

Best Content and Article Writing

We are best Content Creators. We Create and Publish Content regarding, Busines Promotion, Technology Panels Brand Panel, Sponsor Panel and about three new Emerging Technologies, like, Blockchain, Digital Transformation & Artificial Intelligence. We are Technology Promotor & Business Promoter through Content as Well.

Duckstair Events

We are Trend Setters in the world of Events Management & Organizing, with the Collaboration of Digital Transformation.

Companies that Provides Sponsorship to Robo-Sonic, Tech-Expo, will become part of Duckstairs Loop of Pools, & this pool will Provide more Business Advantages through Gala, Branding agency, For Business Promotions and for availability of the Services of Corporative Perk.

Optimum Gala is a Brand Panel, of Duckstair Events Global, Sponsor Companies will become permanent part part of Optimum Gala Panel, Optimum Gala will organise two annual Events every Year, first in Dubai and second in Toronto for the Business Promotions of these Companies.

Duckstairs Events Global Promotes Technology Events, Like Top Technologies like Artificial intelligence,  Blockchain and Digitalization, through Events we create Harmony in these technologies for better and faster Growth.

Maimoona Iram, CEO

We aim to Promote Technology Events from the Digitalized Platforms.

Sonsorship is Content part of Marketing , The Most Latest Form. , With Collaboration of Digitalization.

Corporative Perk Provides Services to the Sponsor Companies.

We Preferred, Systematic Cognitive Approaches. With the Launch of Digitalization.

Duckstairs Events Global, Promotes Top Technologies with the Collaboration of Digitalization.


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